
MBTI, which stands for Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, is a well-known personality assessment


MBTI and Zodiac Sign Correspondence

MBTI, which stands for Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, is a well-known personality assessment tool based on Carl Jung's theories of psychological types. On the other hand, astrology uses zodiac signs to categorize individuals based on their birth dates. While both MBTI and zodiac signs aim to categorize personalities, they approach it from different perspectives. Let's explore the correspondence between MBTI types and zodiac signs.

Correspondence between MBTI and Zodiac Signs

1. The Analysts (INTJ, INTP, ENTJ, ENTP): These MBTI types correspond to the zodiac signs Capricorn, Aquarius, and Virgo. People with these personality types and zodiac signs tend to excel in intellectual pursuits and have a natural inclination towards problem-solving.

2. The Diplomats (INFJ, INFP, ENFJ, ENFP): This group of MBTI types is associated with the zodiac signs Pisces, Cancer, and Libra. Individuals with these personality types and zodiac signs are known for their empathy, creativity, and their ability to connect with others on a deep emotional level.

3. The Sentinels (ISTJ, ISFJ, ESTJ, ESFJ): These MBTI types correspond to the zodiac signs Taurus, Gemini, and Capricorn. People belonging to this group value traditions, strive for stability, and possess a strong sense of responsibility.

4. The Explorers (ISTP, ISFP, ESTP, ESFP): The zodiac signs Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius correspond to the MBTI types in this category. Individuals in this group are known for their spontaneity, adaptability, and their love for freedom and adventure.

Interpreting the Correspondence

While the correspondence between MBTI types and zodiac signs is intriguing, it is important to note that it should be taken with a grain of salt. Both MBTI and astrology have their limitations and should not be treated as definitive explanations of an individual's personality.

However, recognizing the correspondences can provide some general insights and serve as a starting point for self-reflection. It can be interesting to explore the similarities and differences between your MBTI type and zodiac sign, and how they may align with your personal experiences and characteristics.

It is worth mentioning that individual differences exist within each MBTI type and zodiac sign. Every person is unique, and while certain patterns may emerge within these categories, it is essential to remember that no two individuals are exactly the same.


MBTI and zodiac signs both offer frameworks for understanding personalities, albeit from different perspectives. While the correspondence between MBTI types and zodiac signs can be intriguing, it is important not to rely solely on these categorizations to define oneself. The true complexity of an individual's personality goes beyond these classifications. Nevertheless, exploring these correspondences can provide some interesting insights and serve as a starting point for self-reflection and personal growth.

Ultimately, understanding oneself requires a holistic approach that takes into account various factors such as upbringing, life experiences, and individual traits. MBTI and zodiac signs can be tools in this process, but they should never be seen as definitive or limiting explanations of who we are as individuals.

